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The Windmill School

Research Engagement

We believe that school-based enquiry and research makes an important strategic contribution to self-evaluation, self-improvement and the professional development of staff, leading to positive outcomes for the learning, health and wellbeing of students.

Our principal link is currently CRAE (Centre for Research in Autism and Education), based within University College London, where the headteacher is a doctoral research student, who contributes to current academic research and review, as exampled by a recent British Psychological Society Publication.

The Windmill school has been invited to join the Pan London Autism Schools Network PLASN is a network of schools from across London that all specialise in autism.

The PLASN-Research group is a subgroup of PLASN that provides links between schools and autism researchers (from a range of universities). This research to practice link enables us to identify topics for research that have a positive impact on the educational experiences of autistic children and young people.

By working collaboratively, we ensure that we provide evidence-based practice in our schools. 

We are committed to building and developing our existing links, whilst further expanding our range of research partners. Please contact the school if you are interested in undertaking research with us. 


plasn r newsletter 6.pdf