School Uniform
The Windmill School encourages students to wear school uniform although this is not compulsory and there is flexibility within that, for example, parents have the option to wear unbranded items that are the same colour as this offers greater flexibility with cost and availability.
Navy and grey uniform items are available in most supermarkets and large high street stores, whilst the branded items from our dedicated supplier are only available from the
Many of our young people find uniform and certain clothing uncomfortable, so we remain flexible to accommodate individual needs.
We work with School Uniform Direct as they stock a range of sensory options and are competitive on price and comfort.
*Please Note – parents do not have to purchase branded items online from our supplier School Uniform Direct, parents can purchase any navy ‘unbranded’ items from any high street store in school colours. Navy or grey joggers or sweatshirt, grey trousers or skirts, leggings may be preferred for comfort. White polo shirt or t-shirt long or short sleeves.