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The Windmill School

Health & Pupil Welfare

When your child starts at The Windmill, you will be asked to provide personal details such as name and address, telephone numbers and dietary requirements.  We also ask for medical information and request parental consent for any medical interventions that may need to be carried out in school e.g. first aid requirements, weight monitoring, medication etc.

Daytime address, work and telephone numbers are essential. In the event of an accident or illness in school WE MUST BE ABLE TO CONTACT PARENTS OR CARERS. Forms will be sent in September of each year - please complete and return promptly. THIS IS A LEGAL REQUIREMENT.     

Illness in school

Qualified first aiders are always on duty. If a child receives any treatment, you will be informed either by telephone or by a note sent home at the end of the day.

From time to time a child may become ill or may have an accident. It is important that we have a contact phone number of a parent, carer, friend or relative who can be contacted immediately in case a child is considered too ill to remain in school, or has an accident which requires hospital treatment.

If there is a serious accident and no one can be contacted, a teacher or an assistant will accompany the child to hospital and the school will contact the parent or carer as soon as possible.

There are occasions when a child is not well enough to be in school. We do not have the staff or the accommodation to cope with this situation so please help us by keeping your child at home. A day or two away in the early stages may prevent a longer absence later.


Your doctor may prescribe medicines for your child to take during the day.  Please send a note, or telephone the school office giving the doctor’s instructions.  The medicines must be in the special childproof containers now available. They must always be handed to the bus escort or the school office and NOT brought in by the child.

It is VITAL that a note is included giving the name of the medicine, how much is to be given, when it should be administered and, of course, clearly marked with your child’s name. If this information is not provided we are unable to allow medicine to be administered.

Medical Appointments

If your child has regular medical appointments at a clinic or hospital, or if he/she starts a course of treatment, it would be helpful to inform the doctors that the school would welcome reports, as knowledge of such medical information may prove useful to the school.