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The Windmill School

Charging & Remissions

Basic Equipment

The school supplies basic writing equipment, although we do try and encourage the students to have their own pens, pencils, rulers etc.

Practical lessons

At the beginning of every term parents will be asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of ingredients and materials for food technology sessions. Unfortunately if there are not enough donations to cover these costs it will be necessary to restrict the activities that your child participates in and we will be unable to allow your child to bring these items home

Educational Visits

Many of the students are regularly involved in short trips and journeys in the local area that we will continue to subsidise. However most of our half- or full-day trips to educational places of interest will only be able to go ahead if parents feel able to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost.

Visits outside school hours

The school usually subsidises these trips but it may be necessary to ask for contributions to help meet the total cost of the journey/activity if there are not enough school funds available.

Residential Visits

Parents/Carers will be informed of the total cost of any residential trip and of the charges that will need to be made in order for the trip to take place.

Breakages and damages

The school will continue to ask parents to contribute to the cost of replacement of deliberately broken, damaged, defaced or lost school property.


If a family is in receipt of specific benefits, the school is obliged by law to waive charges for board and lodging on residential journeys. The school will always consider extending this remission to other activities that may from time to time attract a charge. 
