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The Windmill School



When teaching mathematics emphasis is placed on pupils using and applying their mathematical skills and knowledge in real life situations to make choices and decisions. We believe maths is a key life skill that helps pupils gain independence.

Aligned with our mission statement ‘Celebrate Uniqueness’ our specialist curriculum for life offers pupils a another chance to not only thrive in our highly specialist setting but also achieve. We teach maths in a fun and engaging way, using hands-on activities and visual systems. Each pupil's learning is tailored to their individual needs, ensuring they reach their full potential. Our lessons cover key areas like counting, mental maths, problem-solving, shape, and measurement, with a focus on making maths accessible and enjoyable for everyone. 

We use concrete resources to support understanding, and lessons are designed around pupils' interests to keep them motivated.

Maths is taught through discrete lessons but is also firmly embedded throughout the curriculum supporting pupils to develop maths skills for everyday life experiences and encouraging problem solving skills and independence. Our pupils have 4-5 hours of Mathematics a week.

Pupils use and apply their maths skills in practical situations such as cooking, shopping and vocational studies encouraging application of skills in different context and providing personalised learning opportunity linked to individual EHCP outcomes.

We recognise that autistic pupils may display highly varied profiles of ability in the mathematics skills in which they excel, finding some areas more difficult to master particularly where word problems are taught. 

Pupils follow the White Rose Maths Scheme of learning from Key Stage 1-3, which is sequenced and builds on prior learning. For example pupils learn ‘fractions’ by  exploring the concept of ‘ equal parts’ then fractions on a number line, moving on to understanding percentage, introducing concepts one at a time visually to reduce cognitive load.

The White Rose scheme of work had broad coverage that enables all pupils to access both GCSE Mathematics, and GCSE Statistics. Where appropriate, other routes will be considered via the Entry Level pathway however all learning is planned for pupils according to the goals and outcomes we know our pupils need to attain.

Key Stage 4 pathways.

We offer further pathways from our semi formal and formal learning routes that ensure broad coverage of the National Curriculum suitable for externally assessed qualifications at Entry Level qualification and/ or GCSE qualification in year 11, leading to further academic or vocational study.

Pupils follow the Edexel Mathematics program of study for at Entry Level and GCSE.

 The routes differ in terms of ensuring that pupils are working at the appropriate level foundation or higher. The accreditations we use can be used interchangeably allowing us the flexibility to be able to move pupils between pathways if they begin to excel, or even struggle.

We do not cap learning towards the syllabus at Y11 and therefore will make group changes where it will work best for the pupil and offer more time where appropriate to take these qualifications in Post 16. 

Many of our pupils find generalisation of mathematic concepts to real life a challege, largely due to the complex and at times abstract, nature of maths particularly word problems and units linked to time.

 All key mathematic skills are taught using a multimodal approach focusing on using and developing skills in functional and practical situations. Therefore, our maths curriculum is designed to accommodate a vast range of learning styles across the school through implementing various pedagogical strategies and visual systems. For learners who are following an informal curriculum pathway we weave maths into their passion projects to ensure we are delivering a core maths program through high interest tasks.

 National curriculum in England: mathematics programmes of study Links to the statutory programmes of study and attainment targets for mathematics at key stages 1 to 4 are used as a guide for progression.  We do however use the blended ‘Support’ model that White Rose offers to support pupils with an uneven profile of strengths.

 The support curriculum keeps the content based on what is relevant and meaningful using highly visual imagery.

Maths is one of the core subjects of the National Curriculum and as such is part of every pupils experience. 'Mathematics can provide pupils with powerful ways of exploring, investigating and understanding the world. The potential to apply the skills of making comparisons, identifying differences, investigating relationships and establishing connections reflects the importance of the subject across the curriculum during the school years.

Mathematics is vital in everyday life as it encourages logical reasoning and the ability to think in abstract way.

 Helpful Links:

National Curriculum

White Rose Maths