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The Windmill School

Exclusion Arrangements

Internal Exclusion

Internal 'exclusion' may be used as a temporary measure when a student’s capacity to self-regulate their behaviour is compromised and their presence in the classroom becomes temporarily incompatible with the education of others. Parents will normally be informed of such a measure being undertaken. Learning activities will be provided for the student, who will be supervised by one or more members of staff according to the level of risk presented.

External Exclusion

Formal fixed term exclusion may be imposed, where a student has exhibited persistent challenging behavior over a period of time, resulting in a serious health and safety risk to the school community. It is likely that a high frequency of contact will have already been established with the student’s family prior to such a measure being imposed. The school will comply with statutory regulation and ensure that a formal letter is sent home, detailing the reason for exclusion and provide learning activities that may be undertaken in the home. During the period of exclusion, the team who works with the student is offered time to establish the basis for a successful re-integration into the school environment.

Permanent Exclusion

The school has no wish to permanently exclude any young person with a Special Educational Need and will work with the student’s Local Authority to seek a planned move to an alternative placement, where it believes it has exhausted the range of behavioural support strategies that can be made within the limit of available resources. Nevertheless, the school’s right to permanently exclude will be applied in the most extreme circumstances, where agreement cannot be reached with a Local Authority, in order to protect the health and safety of all school users and to maintain a positive environment for learning.