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The Windmill School

Complaints Procedure

We strongly believe that we are here to help and serve the children and young people of The Windmill School and their families, to the very best of our collective abilities. However, we will not always get things right and from time to time a concern may arise. It will be helpful if the school knows of a concern or complaint at the earliest opportunity.

In the first instance it is usually the class teacher who can best deal with your concern, although there may be situations where a senior member of staff or the Headteacher would need to discuss the matter. Experience shows that nearly all concerns raised by parents can be dealt with quickly and efficiently through informal discussion.

We are also conscious that on rare occasions, our service might raise a concern with someone who is not the parent/carer of a student at the school. If you are uncertain about who you should contact, please seek advice from the school office.

If, after informal discussion, you are not satisfied with the response you have received, please refer to our Academy Complaints Procedure for how you can make a formal written complaint to the school.