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The Windmill School


The Education Act 1996 states that all students should attend school regularly and punctually. We have a legal obligation to record if any student is late or absent.

Please phone on the first day of absence or give the bus escort a message. If we do not hear from you we will phone you. We need a written explanation on your child’s return to school. If we do not receive an explanation, or if the explanation is unsatisfactory, we will not authorise the absence.

Valid reasons for absences are:

  • Illness
  • Emergency dental or medical appointments
  • Day of religious observance
  • Family bereavement
  • Attending an interview for a job or college placement

If your child is reluctant to come to school, please contact us. Your child could be avoiding school for a number of reasons. It is important that we identify the reason for your child’s reluctance  and that we work together to support their regular attendance..

Extended periods of absence and any concerns we have relating to your child are reported to our Educational Social Worker. Should you wish to discuss any concerns with the ESW please telephone 0208 359 2000.